Hours of Operation
Kidz N Company Daycare is open from 6:00 am until 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday with aftercare hours available from 6:00 pm until 11:50 pm
Your specific care, hours, and days of care, will be outlined in your contract and rate agreement. Any hours outside of these hours can be discussed at any time.
We require two weeks' notice if you need to change your enrollment hours. We also reserve the right to terminate if the new hours will not work well for our childcare business.”
We offer both full-time, part-time, before/after care, and drop-in care (when permitted).
Payment Policies
Payment is due each Monday whether your child is in attendance or not. Payments can also be made every other Monday or monthly with payment being due on the 1st Monday of the month. Please make arrangements regarding what payment schedule you would like to use. Late payment fees will be enforced if we suspect abuse of the policies. If payments are more than three days behind, your children may not be allowed to attend care.
Age Grouping and Size
Kidz N Company Daycare provides childcare services for children 6 weeks up to age 12
According to licensing the total number of children, we can welcome into the daycare at any time will be 8 (of which 2 can be infants) excluding my own children.
We will be closed on all Federal Holidays. Your enrollment packet will outline all scheduled closures for the entire calendar year, including our vacation time.
I take two vacations a year, two weeks in July encompassing the 4th of July, dates will be announced in our scheduled closure
in your enrollment packet each year, and Christmas Break plus the day before break starts (following the school calendar)
*Tuition is not due during my vacation, tuition will be prorated for any partial weeks.
Should you take a vacation, I expect a two-week notice, and your fee is 1/2 of your regular fee to hold the child(ren)'s spot.
Should you take more than one week of vacation in any year (your year begins on the date your contract is signed), subsequent weeks are charged at the full rate.
Parent Participation/ Communication
Open communication with all families using our childcare services is very important to us. We welcome any questions, concerns, or discussions of any kind.
When we work together we ensure your child gets the best care possible.
Your phone calls are welcome at any time. We may be outside with the children or setting up an activity inside.
If we do not answer the phone, please leave a message on our voicemail or send a text and we will call you back as soon as possible. The best time to call during the day is early morning before nap time.
Schedule and Programming
Infants, toddlers, and young children do well with a structured schedule that still allows for flexibility.
Our basic daily schedule outlines the core activities of any given day, playtime, mealtime, nap time, outdoor activities etc.
Our most current schedule of activities will be provided in our enrollment package.
Toilet Training
While children are in diapers, parents are to provide disposable diapers and wipes. When your child begins to use pull-ups, please provide the ones with Velcro sides.
We will not begin toilet training until parents have begun the process at home. When toilet training begins, be sure to send extra clothing!
Releasing Child from Care
The normal procedure for release of a child is to let them go with the parent or guardian. We will not release a child to anyone besides a parent or guardian unless we have been notified of a change. A verbal notice is fine on the day, if the person is on the list of people who are authorized to pick up your child. If the person is not on your list, we must have written permission to release your child. If we do not know the person we will ask for photo identification. This procedure is done for your child’s protection. Please inform your emergency contacts and designated pick-up people so that they will not be surprised or offended.
I will notify you immediately should your child develop any of the following symptoms:
Running a fever
Vomiting or diarrhea.
Any rash, other than a mild diaper or heat-related rash.
Should your child develop any of these symptoms, you will be expected to pick up your child within one hour.
If this is not possible, you will need to have another person listed on your emergency information form that can.
You will also be called at my discretion should your child clearly appear to be uncomfortable, regardless of whether other symptoms have appeared.
I'm not willing to accept a child with any of the above-listed symptoms. Symptoms must be gone for 24 hours prior to re-admittance.
I will not take a child with confirmed lice unless the hair has been washed with an approved product twice (24 hours apart). I will check the child's head personally upon arrival.
Should I find anything, your child will not be allowed to stay.
Medication (nonprescription or prescription) will NOT be administered without written parental AND health practitioner permission on the Medication Authorization form.
The provider is NOT to administer the first dose of ANY medication.
There must also be parental written permission for the application of over-the-counter preventative treatments including diaper ointments, insect repellants, and sunscreens.
Snow and Winter Weather
In the event of severe winter weather that develops after hours, as long as our home is accessible with power and heat, your children will be able to attend.
We recognize not all parent’s jobs close when there is inclement weather and we want you to rest assured, that if you have to work, we will be available for you.
Common Courtesy
I am fortunate enough to be working from my home. Please remember that this is my HOME. I ask a few things from you:
No shoes past the foyer. This means children and parents. We aim to keep the floor clean for the children playing on them
Children will not be allowed to open/close any gates, and will not be allowed to open/close the front door.
Please do not allow your children to do either of these when you are in my home as it will teach them it is ok to break the rules when Mommy/Daddy are in my home. This is for their safety.
No food or drinks are allowed anywhere other than at the bar/dining room table.
If you need to use a bathroom, please flush and clean up behind yourself.
Please do not throw your trash in my yard or on the street.
The children will be taught by example here, to have respect for themselves and each other. They will also be taught to respect my home, property, and possessions.
Any negative behavior will not be allowed. This includes but is not limited to hitting, punching, kicking, biting, standing or jumping on furniture, throwing anything in the house, bad language, etc. We will work with parents the best we can but please recognize that the safety of all children in our area is our priority.
Substitute Staff
If for any reason, I need to leave for an emergency, I have an adult who can come in for a short period of time until you arrive. In the event that I am ill or on vacation, and cannot provide care,
you will need to have your own backup arrangements available. I will notify you as soon as possible when I am unable to provide care for your child.
Non Discrimination
I will not discriminate in relation to the admissions of any child on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, religion, sex, or disability.